
Putting Telecom and Mobility Under the Magnifying Glass

Are you spending too much on telecom and mobility? For many organizations, it is tough to answer this question with any confidence. New investments in wireless service plans, along with increased attention to mobile device support and enterprise-wide cyber-security, have complicated the already-complex tasks of telecom expense and mobility management.

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Savings Opportunities

Telecom is one-fifth of all worldwide IT spend, and accounts for up to four percent of the typical enterprise budget. Efficient telecom spend can drive huge costs savings.


Poor visibility skews perceptions of how much is actually spent on specific services and vendors, making it impossible to know whether contracts should be renewed, budgets adjusted and purchases made.

Centralized Management

TEM services and enterprise mobility management tools are crucial for achieving the centralized management needed for sustainable budgeting and informed business decisions.

Zeroing-in on Telecom and Mobility Expenses

Inefficiencies exist at every stage of the telecom lifecycle, from negotiation to usage to invoicing and payment. 

Through centralized management, automated processes and improved visibility, significant savings can be achieved.

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